Fashion. Whats next?

An Article about the impact of AI in fashion by San Kim, 25.01.24

In the dynamic realm of fashion, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force, reshaping the industry in ways beyond our imagination. This fusion of innovation and tradition has introduced novel concepts, challenging the conventional boundaries of the fashion landscape. It helps us redefine our understanding and commitment towards topic such as sustainability and technology, creating a new era in fashion. But in order to succeed, we need to comprehend that AI is less a tool we work with but rather a collaborator. While the future looks exciting, there are hurdles and challenges that will come with it, there will always be something against it, its just a matter if we take this opportunity or not. 

Artificial Inteligence in Fashion

This article covered by Forbes, gives us a closer look on how the collaborative work between us humans and AI can benefit us in terms of design, management etc. but also the challenges that comes with it to create a harmonious balance between the two parties.

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Shein's "secret" success through AI

What a lot might not know is how Shein incorporates AI into their business concept, from design creation to price recommendation. This new approach gave them the $66 billion dollar valuation they have today, but with it comes its challenges as well.

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The year ahead: How gen AI is reshaping Fashion's creativity

After generative AI’s breakout year in 2023, The State of Fashion 2024 examines emerging us cases across creative industries.

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